Plans (or more like ideas)

Features I would add to a full (maybe Steam?) release or were cut to fit into the deadline:

  • Card combos
  • Combining tool and recruit cards? More card types?
  • Dice throwing for player? Maybe in case of special cards - dice effect for cards?
  • More bosses and ages
  • More complex boss mechanics, more variable dices?
  • More fledged out story
  • More and more cards
  • 1v1 online mode - pool for aquirable cards would depend on settings or just randomized from ages
  • Extremely optimistic plans:
    • Physical release sometimes far in the future
  • Rewriting / designing from ground up, since the source code of this prototype is very "game jammy"
  • ...

These are not promises or anything similar, more like brainstorming about what could be if it comes to that.


Welcome to Deck Of Time!

In this timetravelling deck-building game, you are stepping into the shoes of a Timeweaver, a special time-cop responsible for eleminating elite-level threats in the timestream.

Your task is to travel do different kind of ages / alternative timelines and fight the corrupted foes whose power and goal risk damaging the timeline irreversibly.

Since you are basically a super-soldier and enchanced to have a closer bond with the timestream itself, you are able to drag elements, such as tools and recruits from the timestream to help you. But be aware that in order to leave the timestream as intact as possible, this is only viable through your special device, The TimeSpinner, allowing you to select the best option from a randomized selection. You can of course force your way through it's mechanism, but it won't be without consequences - eg. losing cards from your deck randomly.

Controls, guide

Card / dice effects cheat-sheet


No hotkeys or anything like that. Click, click and click ._.

So it's basically: Click on the cards to play them.


Design, programming, music, graphics were made by me, Kádár Jeremi Emánuel. All rights reserved, 2025.


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