Working on the textures for the Dead City (short devlog)


And basically that's all for the update. The second and biggest section of the game would be the Dead City, a metropolis directly affected by the Cataclysm. Of couse for a 2 weak jam making a giant, non-linear city section with all the art is hard, but I want to make it as big as possible and not with the same wall texture repeating over and over again, but with some variety.

Some example:

Some dirt and corrosion probably will be added later on.

I want around 4-5 different types of walls...and doors, windows. Some storefronts, apartmans. And possibly some building to be open for some exploration.

Only time will tell that how variable I can make the city. Regardless of my progress, I want to start sketching out the city itself tomorrow. I can have features and gameplay mechanics but it will be hard to make a playable game without actual levels.

I'm going to more or less "block out" the city and do some planning to make the map actually have some sense metroidvina-wise. There must be sections that can be reached only after aquireing some ammo type or eg. the double jump boots. And there should be some items that are harder to come around, for example a permament health booster.

The enemies need to be placed and basically everything has to be planned and I need some great progress tomorrow for the level, after all this will be the end of the first half of the jam.

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