More or less a break day

A blink into another jam

Felt like it was time for a little break, so I made my submission for the 5th CrocoJam:

Testing the City (without enemies) and some coding

I finally tested my map and made some technical corrections. Also made some new pickable items and implemented reading found notes and journal pieces - not collect them, only read once.

One thing that cought my attention is performance. Even so the City map is the biggest I've ever done (altough really tiny on an average scale), it felt strange that in the editor Godot runs it mostly smooth, but using the model in the actual level scene is lagging. As I found out, it was the dark rain particle I placed. Since generally speaking this is a small map, I thought one big particle object will do, but it was the source for the performance problem so I placed multiple smaller particle areas instead of one big one and it seems it solved the problem.

The next will be to place enemies, grouping meshes - or using dedicated objects - for A* grid generation and see what the combat feels. Also I need to put some sound effect in the game for things like the crossbow, walking, doors...etc.

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