Adding sounds, explosive ammo, testing maps...

Adding sounds, music


As music, I'm using some ambient tracks I've composed in Cakewalk.

You can listen to one of them here (Yes...this is a really lazy cover for a song...I know :D):

The city level already had the bg track, this one above is used for the first map and I'm gonna need to compose one more ambient track...and possibly a track for the bossfight. I might make a more disturbing and "darker" ambient-like track for that.

Sound effects for crossbow...etc

As for ingame sound effects, like crossbow, footsteps...etc I'm using sounds from the site Fortunately there are a lot of sound licensed under Creative Commons 0, so I could find most of the effects I needed, like this crossbow sound:

Explosive ammo

I added a new ammo type, the explosive ammo. The crossbow basically spans an "ExplosionArea" wherever the casted ray points and it has an aerial damage effect - but cannot harm the player...I might change this.

Testing the maps, bugs, my experience

No that the game is almost finished levelwise I tested the already finished (?) parts.

What I can tell is that the 2 week timeframe reduced the original plans for this game...greatly. I might have done a game that's much longer than this in 2D - or in 3D without stuff like trying to do path finding. I'm still happy I'm making this because by far this is the most complete 3D game I've ever done and with a lots of technical stuff I've never done before...basically making me more and more ready for my next 3D projects.

The path finding is a "bit" broken...making sometimes the enemies basically target practice.

Of course...I can test the game all day and still know all of it's aspects. I don't know how would one react without any further experience. If I have to guess, I think it only adds to the fun and experience - I hope.

Loading, saving, 0 HP

I made a really - really! - simple loading, saving system. Basically stats like ammo or hp, picked up items are saved at the end of every level, then load at the start. This made me possible to implement a really simple respawn for a player. Basically reloading the level. Since the maps are not that long, I don't think this will take out much from the experience, since the game is relatively easy. - Except the boss fight...I want to make it feel like it's a boss fight difficultywise.

Darkening the textures

Most of the time during the development I had clean wall, road...etc tiles and textures. This felt a bit off considering this is a world that was basically corrupted by a dark cataclysm so a bit earlier I've drawn dark stains over almost every tile and texture.

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Looks like it is coming together well. :)


Just seconds ago I uploaded the first version that can be played through from start to finish.

There are bugs...and the boss music is "unfinished"

I may do some additional touches tomorrow